Dev Diary #3

Hello there! It’s been a while since my last update. I apologize for the delay, but I’ve been quite busy this month. I recently purchased a new device, and I spent a considerable amount of time migrating my data from the old one.

I’m excited to share that I collaborated with Alim on a deep-dive video where we discuss the history of Meteor, which I previously covered in an article. Be sure to check it out!

This month, I started a new pull request (PR) to asyncify _checkForCaseInsensitiveDuplicates for the 2.x version of Meteor. This change will help ease our migration to 3.0, making it a more manageable process rather than taking one giant leap

In a slightly unorthodox move, I wrote an in-depth article on integrating Apple Sign-In with Hapi. This demonstrates that, as Meteor developers, we can work with various JavaScript technologies. This article is part of some freelance work I’m currently doing outside of Meteor. I initially accepted this job to try something different and challenge my skills. I’m glad I took the opportunity, as it allowed me to both learn and prove my worth as a competent developer, not just a “Meteor dude.”

Lastly, I recently reviewed the mongo-collection-instances PR, which means you can expect a new release soon!

Until next time, goodbye! 👋