JavaScript Roadmap

A Practical Roadmap for Learning JavaScript and Node.js

I was recently asked by a friend to create a roadmap for learning JavaScript and Node.js. My immediate recommendation was freeCodeCamp, and here’s why: it’s free, offers world-class learning material that’s continuously updated, and most importantly, includes hands-on projects that put your skills to the test.

Having concrete projects to build is crucial because newcomers often face two common challenges:

  1. Paradox of choice: the overwhelming number of learning resources available
  2. Analysis paralysis: difficulty deciding which path to take

freeCodeCamp’s structured approach with guided projects helps overcome these challenges. However, while excellent, freeCodeCamp’s curriculum could benefit from more in-depth video tutorials explaining the “why” behind concepts. That’s where this roadmap comes in - it supplements freeCodeCamp’s curriculum with carefully selected video courses.

How to Use This Roadmap

The approach is simple:

  1. Complete a freeCodeCamp project
  2. Watch the recommended course that covers related concepts
  3. Repeat

This method helps reinforce your learning and prevents the common pitfall of mindlessly completing challenges without understanding the underlying concepts.

Part 1: JavaScript Journey

The JavaScript portion is divided into three progressive sections:

Section 1: Fundamentals

  1. Complete Build a Palindrome Checker Project
  2. Take Getting Started with JavaScript v2 on Frontend Masters

Section 2: Modern JavaScript

  1. Study JavaScript: The Recent Parts
  2. Complete Functional JavaScript v3
  3. Build these projects:

Section 3: Advanced Concepts

  1. Take JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts
  2. Complete Deep JavaScript v3
  3. Study JavaScript: The Hard Parts v2
  4. Build these capstone projects:

Part 2: Node.js Development

The Node.js section follows a straightforward progression:

  1. Start with Command Line Interface Basics - This is crucial as you’ll be working with web servers and databases
  2. Take The Complete Node.js Developer Course
  3. Study Understanding Node.js
  4. Complete Back End Development and APIs Projects on freeCodeCamp